Extreme Sport


Sports Articles

Chest Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders

The chest area is one of the easist muscle groups for beginning bodybuilders to strengthen and develop. It consists of a large muscle (pectoralis major) to either side of the breastbone and a smaller muscle (pectoralis minor) underneath. The pecs are relatively easy to develop in the early stages simply because they can be trained intensively although care needs to be taken to work them from different angles to ensure full development.

For beginners, three safe but effective exercises are recommended:

1. Incline dumbbell press – 3 sets of 10-15 reps. When you feel comfortable with the mechanics involved in …

Sport New

Top 10 Beginning Bodybuilding Tips – Take It to The Next Level

If you have been thinking about beginning bodybuilding, but have somehow not taken the full step, because either you are not sure on how to proceed with all of it or you simply don’t know what beginning bodybuilding entails, then I know exactly where you are coming from.

When I first started thinking about beginning bodybuilding, I was afraid to take the first step. And even when I had taken the step, I did not really know what to do, to get that beautiful physique I so badly wanted.

But I found some guidance through a muscle building program and …