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How To Throw Power Punches

How To Throw Power Punches

It should go without saying that punching is an important part of winning a boxing match. Yes, stance is important as well as knowledge and patience, but what would a boxing match be like without any punches? Although the jab is a very effective and efficient punch, power punches are definitely something that should not be messed with. Now knowing how to properly throw a power punch takes time and practice just like everything else in the sport of boxing.

Power punches can also be called straight punches or a cross punch. This is not to be confused with any sort of jab or hook. Reason being that these punches are so incredibly powerful is because the full weight of the body is behind them and they are thrown with the person’s dominant hand. The dominant hand is always the strongest one of the two and is the one that a person usually eats with, writes with, throws with, etc.

An important tip to remember when throwing any punch, but especially a power punch, is to aim about one inch past your opponent. This should give you the sense that you are punching through them rather than retracting as soon as you make any contact. In baseball, you follow through your swing, golf and hockey you do the same.

Whichever hand is being thrown, it is important to remember to pivot that same foot and transfer your weight accordingly. Unfortunately if you are all lined up for this power punch and actually miss your opponent, you have set yourself up to be counterattacked pretty easily. But without any great risks, there are no great rewards!

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A proper punch is thrown from the ground up, everything needs a solid foundation. This includes your foot, knee, hips, shoulders and fist. All of these parts have to be strong and work simultaneously in order to throw a power punch. Again, full extension and follow through is pertinent. All of the above information should be carefully revised and remembered when throwing a power punch.

With boxing, especially in comparison to any other contact sport, proper technique takes time, and practice certainly does make perfect. One cannot expect to have the proper rhythm down when first learning how to use a speed bag. Boxing is great tool that simply breaks one down completely and rebuilds them. A great coach/instructor will be able to do this, but at the same time the fighter must be absolutely willing to allow this to happen an also possess the right mentality and heart of a fighter.