Extreme Sport

Month: April 2020

Sports News Today

White Water Rafting The Ultimate in Thrill Seeking

There is no doubt about it – an adrenaline rush is something people are seeking more and more. There is something intoxicating about, for the want of a better word, fear. One of the biggest adrenaline rushes to be had can come from white water rafting. It’s the classic man versus nature scenario. If you have never come across this sport before you are probably wondering what it is?

The clue is really in the name of the sport. White water is caused by fast-flowing water and the idea is to navigate a raft through it. The raft designs vary …

Sport News Com

Soccer Coaching Drills – Discover 3 Popular Free Drills

Honestly speaking, standard soccer coaching drills that do not include free drills will not be sufficient to envisage something useful coming up from the enthusiastic team members. As a coach, you must sure that they are adequately included in the practice sessions.

Body control: The most important skill in soccer is taking control of your body. When the player is in command of his body in the middle of the field while handling the ball, he is an advantage over the opponent as well as the situation. So then, how will you make certain that every participant is trained on …

Article On Sports

Strength Through Sailing

Target your upper and lower body, and core, for a total-body workout

This program consists of three sections: upper body, lower body and core conditioning. They’re functional exercises, designed to harden the joints and muscles of sailors in preparation for long voyages. But these moves will also help you become stronger, leaner and have better muscle stamina. Add them to your existing workout, doing three sets of 12 to 15 for each side of each movement.

Upper Body Functional Training

Double-arm pulls

Function: Boosts a sailor’s ability to hold rails and pull lines.

Your benefit: Wrist, arm and back strength, …

Online Sport

Body Building For The Real Man

body building has always been thought of as a man?s sport. It?s true that most top-notch body builders are men. If you are a man interested in body building, you really have some advantages that can help you tone and sculpt a beautiful body.

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you are naturally able to mold an amazing body. As a man, your body building goals are already enhanced because of the natural hormones that your body produces. Testosterone helps you have more effective workouts and also helps you work out longer. This gives you …

Sports News Headlines

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle ? An Ebook On Fat Burning And Body Building Secrets

You are not a regular visitor to gym because the pace of your life does not allow you freedom of time. You cannot always follow a healthy diet chart because of your tightly packed schedule. You cannot help taking snacks or fast foods to compensate for energy loss due to a skipped meal or two. That is why you are confused what to do in regards to fat loss and muscle gain. Tom Venuto, a veteran nutritionist, bodybuilder and motivation coach, has come up with a weight loss and muscle gain system that comes in a form of a downloadable …

Latest Sports News

Build Chest Muscle – Getting That Perfectly Sculped Chest You Have Always Dreamed Of!

Imagine this for a moment……

You are with a woman that is absolutely gorgeous and you take her back to your place. The two of you are making out and having a great time. The time has come for this to move to the bedroom and you want her to be on top of you riding you all night long. Where is she going to want to put her hand? Of course, on your chest and if you have a well defined chest she is going to be so turned on that she will never want to leave. This is …

Sports News Latest

Protein In Food For Body Building Workouts

One of the questions that is often asked is how would someone who does intense physical labor or athletic activities like weight lifting, incorporate more living foods into their diet without missing out on the significant levels of protein they require. Fortunately, this could not be simpler, as sprouted foods, particularly most legumes and beans are a good source of food with protein and they are easier to sprout than smaller seeds. The larger seeds or legumes have a larger surface area and allow improved air flow around them, so there is less moisture build up during sprouting. This means …

World Sports News

Fly High In The Radio Controlled Jets

If you love speed and possess confidence like of a professional pilot, then you might consider of flying a radio controlled jet. The radio controlled jets also called as the RC jets, whether electric or gas powered, are the astounding radio control flying experience when you are seeking to fulfill that need for high speed.

Gas turbine radio controlled jets

The gas turbine radio controlled jet is the latest addition in the world of radio controlled jets. Earlier it was used in form of a rocket plus its ride was very short. At present, its sound presents a real jet …

Latest Sports News

Few Tips to Keep Yourself Safe When Skateboarding on Road

Enjoyment, excitement, and thrill are what skaters associate skateboarding with. Fun and satisfaction for skaters is in the tricks that they perform on top of the ladder, streets, platforms and all others. The basic requirement for performing these tricks is to have a good grip on your skateboard. And good grip can only be obtained with right kind of equipments, which are also important for the safety of skaters. While skateboarding brings so much fun and enjoyment, it can also be a risky sport if proper safety measures are not observed.

Safety is important as it keeps the skater fully …

Today'S Sports News

Enjoy The Delightful Cool Breeze With Wooden Hammock Stand

You must have been conscious of the soothing result of Hammocks which are habitually the sign of summer, vacation, leisure and effortless, easy breathing. Hammocks were fashioned by local people who were settled in the tropical province with the intention of sleeping.

Afterwards, the sailors of overseas ships utilised them to facilitate console and make best use of existing space, and it was also utilised by the soldiers & explorers travelling in forest regions. So likewise the Wooden Hammock Stand became admired across the globe for leisure; they are also employed as a lightweight camp bed on trips. The hammock …