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Kiteboarding Lessons In Nz – What To Expect

Kiteboarding has come a long way since it’s beginning. It is now safer and more accesible than ever, with gear costing less and more companies willing to sell it to you.

If thinking about taking up kiteboarding it is important to get lessons before you hit the water by yourself.

Big Air Imports NZ have written this article to let you know what you can expect from your kiteboarding lessons in Auckland.

People who receive kiteboarding lessons will progress far quicker than those who try to teach themselves.

Learning kite control is the most critical part of learning to kiteboard and will be firstly done on land with a small trainer kite. One to two hours flying a 2m-4m trainer kite on land will give you the basic knowledge to take a larger kite out on the water with your instructor.

Your second lesson will be water based and will have you experiencing the power of a full sized kite firstly without a board. You will learn to bodydrag which is a technique used often while learning if you lose your board and need to get back upwind to it. It involves sending the kite through the power zone, pulling you in one direction through the water.

Once you are competent at this you will attempt to get up on the board, usually halfway through the second lesson. A third lesson is recommended to aid your progression and factors like staying upwind and jumping/tricks can be worked on during this time.

Your instructor will be there to help you every step along the way and will advise you of things to help your progression. They will also outline all the safety requirements for kiteboarding as this can be a dangerous sport if done incorrectly.

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People who are familiar with other board sports may progress quicker than others but usually students are up on the board riding with confidence after 3 two hour lessons.

Schools will supply all the necessary kites, boards and harness for your lessons so you can beat up their gear while you learn. For further info on kiteboarding lessons and also locations for kitesurfing in Auckland and NZ wide see