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7 Best Workouts to Build Muscle – Take Back What is Yours

What are the best workouts to build muscle? I have heard this question a lot and I know that a lot of bodybuilders and fitness models have heard it as well.

We want the best of everything; best workouts to get ripped, best workout routines to build muscle, best workouts to build muscle at home, best workouts for abs etc. And this is not a bad thing, because why go for something that is not the best solution for getting results, when we can use the best workouts to build muscle with.

Best Workouts to Build Muscle – Full Body for the Win

The workouts we will focus on in this exercise will mostly be of full body exercises, but we will also look at some isolation exercises that are absolutely great for building muscle.

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #1 – Squat: Squat is the mother of leg workouts. It targets all of your leg muscles as well as your glutes. It is a powerful exercise, but you need to perform it correctly to get the most out of it. It can be done using free weights, on a smith machine or something similar. Just remember to keep your back straight during the exercise.

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #2 – Dead Lift: Dead lift might sound like something you want to avoid, because we don’t work out to die, right? But the dead lift exercise is one of the best workouts to build muscle for your back area, as well as your biceps and glutes.

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As with the squat exercise, make sure to keep your back straight during the process and start out with low weights, until you get a hang of it.

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #3 – Bench Press: We know what the mother of leg workouts is for the best workouts to build muscle with; well the bench press is the father of your chest area, your shoulders as well as your triceps. It is an incredible exercise for building chest muscle. Remember to breathe during the exercise and bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible.

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #4- Pull-Up: A fantastic exercise that can be performed in a lot of ways and that should be in the best workouts to build muscle list for everyone. You basically make use of your own bodyweight, until you are strong enough to lock a weight-belt around your waist. The pull-up is great for your back, biceps and forearms.

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #5 – Military Press: The word, military, makes this exercise sound even more awesome and that is because it is exactly that. It targets your shoulders and triceps and can be performed sitting or standing, with barbell or dumbbells.

Best Workouts to Build Muscle – Isolation

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #6 – Close Grip Bench Press: It works on your triceps like no other exercise. Either do it on a smith machine or on a bench press.

-Best Workouts to Build Muscle #7 – Bicep curls: Bicep curls can be performed sitting or standing, with dumbbells or barbell and on a flat bench or incline bench, you name it.

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All of the above exercises should be in everyone??s best workouts to build muscle list as it will become a lot easier transforming your body.