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Understanding Lung Cancer

Understanding Lung Cancer

Cancer is a disease described as the uncontrollable growth of cells. Cancer of the lungs happens when cells in one lung or both lungs are rapidly growing at an uncontrolled rate. Instead of developing into a healthy and normal lung tissue, these cells continue to grow and form lumps or masses called tumors. These tumors interfere with the main functioning of the lungs.

Generally, the lung functions by providing oxygenated blood to be distributed to the body. If there is a tumor that is obstructing the blood flow, then there can be interference in the normal functioning of the lungs. For tumors that demonstrates limited growth, usually, it is considered as benign tumors.

When malignant tumors spread to other parts of the body, it is already considered as a dangerous situation because the tumors invade other parts of the body and destroys other healthy tissues. This condition is termed as metastasis. When this condition happens, it becomes more difficult to treat.

If the cancer originated in the lungs, it is called primary. On the other hand, if the cancer originated in the other parts of the body, but has metastasized to the lungs, it is called secondary. These two types of are considered different cancers in the diagnostic and treatment perspectives. Lung cancer is usually diagnosed among older adults because this cancer develops over a long period of time.

Lung cancer has two types based on the cancer cells’ appearance on the microscope. These two classifications are non-small cell lung cancer which accounts for 80% of all cancers on the lung and small cell lung cancer which accounts for the remaining 20% of the lung cancers.

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Non-small cell lung cancer can be subdivided into four classifications with different treatment options. These are adenocarcinoma, broncheoalveolar carcinoma, large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. On the other hand, small cell cancer is characterized by small cells that are multiplying very rapidly and form large tumors that travel throughout the body. In general, almost all cases of small cell lung cancer are due to smoking.

Instead of smoking, engage yourself in an active lifestyle. Do regular exercises or visit the gym frequently.